United Nations


Tan Jia De, Ernest (29) 3H ASEAN
Mind Map by ernesttanjiade, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ernesttanjiade over 9 years ago

Resource summary

United Nations
    1. UN Law of the Sea Conference
      1. Singapore decided on territorial rights of a country over its waters
      2. Security Council
        1. Singapore served as President of the Council from 2001 to 2002
          1. Maintained international peace and security
        2. UN peacekeeping operations
          1. Singapore has been involved in peacekeeping since 1989
            1. Contributed manpower and effort
        3. FAILURE
          1. WHO: Various nations
            1. WHAT: the nuclear non-proliferation treaty was signed by 190 nations
              1. WHEN: In 1970
                1. WHERE: Took place in various nations
                  1. HOW: nuclear stockpiles remain high, and numerous nations continue to develop these devastating weapons, including North Korea, Israel, Pakistan, and India.
                  2. SUCCESS
                    1. WHAT: East Timor became independent in 2002 after a bloody separation from Indonesian occupation
                      1. WHEN: May 2002
                        1. WHO: East Timor, UN and Indonesia
                          1. WHERE: East Timor
                            1. HOW: UN peacekeepers bolstered the emerging security services during first decade of independence
                            2. WHY IT WAS FORMED
                              1. Established in 24 October 1945, to promote international co-operation. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, the organization was created following the Second World War to prevent another such conflict.
                              2. AIMS
                                1. Maintain World Peace & Security
                                  1. UN Security Council
                                    1. International Court of Justice
                                      1. Peacekeeping forces
                                      2. Cooperate internationally to solve international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems
                                        1. UN developmental programme
                                          1. Emergency relief teams
                                          2. Promote respect for human rights and basic freedom regardless of race, religion and gender
                                            1. Raises Human Rights violation with respective governments
                                              1. International Criminal Court created
                                            2. BENEFITS GAINED FROM UN MEMBERSHIP
                                              1. Helped us better the international decision making process which will result in protecting our own waters
                                                1. With UN's recognition of sovereignty, it has given us international acclaim and backing of world powers
                                                  1. Gains greater recognition and trust, thus having more allies
                                                    1. Help sent from UN can play important roles in our development and success
                                                    2. UN LOGO
                                                      1. Olive branches
                                                        1. symbolizing peace
                                                        2. World map
                                                          1. depicts the area of concern to the United Nations in achieving its main purpose, peace and security.
                                                        3. ORGANISATIONS
                                                          1. General Assembly
                                                            1. financing of peacekeeping
                                                              1. for discussions and voting
                                                            2. Security Council
                                                              1. maintenance of international peace and security.
                                                                1. deals with complaints and disputes
                                                              2. Secretariat
                                                                1. attends to administrative matters
                                                                  1. economically, socially and politically
                                                                2. International Court of Justice
                                                                  1. help settle disputes peacefully
                                                                  2. Economic & Social Council
                                                                    1. central platform for reflection, debate, and innovative thinking on sustainable development.
                                                                    2. Trusteeship Council
                                                                      1. ensure that trust territories were administered in the best interests of their inhabitants and of international peace and security.
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