Functional Health Patterns


Mind Map on Functional Health Patterns, created by meagan-bradley on 08/31/2013.
Mind Map by meagan-bradley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by meagan-bradley over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Functional Health Patterns
  1. Health perception and Health Management
    1. General health over past year would be considered average. Have had 4 recent absences, 1 due to broken hand and 3 due to a cold which was passed on from a family member. Codral flu tablets were used to speed up the recovery process.
      1. To keep healthy I try to balance. Right diet, exercise, amount of sleep. Sometimes this is difficult when I'm pressed for time. At times I use homeopathics as an alternative to medicines. I do not drink or smoke. I often do self-examinations of my body including breasts. Have had no accidents recently
      2. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern
        1. For breakfast I usually have a protein shake, Lunch is generally a sandwich and dinner is vegetables and meat. Snacks are fruit, occasionally some biscuits or a muffin. I do not consume carbohydrates past lunch time. I am lactose intolerant and therefore avoid dairy. I also try to remain as gluten free as possible. I drink between 2 and 5 litres of water on a normal day
          1. Weight 71kg, Height 174cm, BMI 23.
            1. I bruise easily. I get eczema in my elbow and knee bend during summer when I sweat a lot which is treated with dermal veen. My teeth, nails and hair are all in good condition
            2. Elimination Pattern
              1. No Issues. Urinary and Bowel elimination occurs frequently. No discomfort, problem controlling or laxatives needed. No excessive perspiration or odor problems.
              2. Activity- Exercise Pattern
                1. I am fully independent conducting all activities. I have sufficient energy for all required activities. I exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. I play volleyball every Tuesday night. Wednesdays I do group circuit training and the other days I do independent exercises which includes pilates, running, weights. I am able to stand on my feet for 6 hours straight. For leisure I watch TV or ride my motorbike.
                2. Sleep-rest Pattern
                  1. I sleep for 7-8 hours every night. I am a deep sleeper and am rarely disturbed once I'm asleep. I easily fall asleep however I have a habit of falling asleep with my TV on. I often feel very tired and struggle to beat fatigue.
                  2. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern
                    1. I have no hearing or memory difficulties. I do have very poor eye-sight which is aided by the use of glasses. My eyesight was last checked 2011 and had not changed hardly from my first check up in 2004. I am a visual learner, I learn best by seeing something be done, I find it hard to make important decisions because I worry I'll make the wrong choice.
                    2. Self-perception - Self-concept Pattern
                      1. I would describe myself as confident, mature, bubbly. Most of the time I feel good about myself. I have a strong head and I find that sometimes when my body doesn't think it can cope my mind pulls through. I am often frustrated by people. For example having to work with people who are lazy or incompetent. Though I am able to cope and remain in control with most tough situations.
                      2. Roles-Relationships Pattern
                        1. I live with my Mum(40), Dad(41), Sister(14) and Brother(8). Sometimes my older brother (20) likes to cause tension however this only affects our family when he's around which he isn't most of the time. I am not expected to take on extra responsibilities in my family. Hospitalization stresses my mother but illnesses are dealt with accordingly, usually with lots of rest, I am apart of many social groups from work, sport and school. Generally things go well. I am surrounded by a lot of loving people who I feel comfortable with. I am lucky to have a supportive network.
                        2. Values-Beliefs Pattern
                          1. I have a lot of big goals for my life many which are long term but I set small goals which I feel will help me to achieve bigger things. Most of the time I get what I want. I am Catholic and I look to God for reasoning when things go bad or when I need help. My religion provides me with a lot of answers,
                          2. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern
                            1. Other people often say I live a very stressful life however I would not consider that I do. I feel I am good at dealing well under pressure, I am usually very calm especially in situations where others are not. I often remain calm because I know that stressing only makes situations worse. I talk things over with my mum if I need another opinion or just some support. I do not use any drugs, medicine or alcohol to deal with problems.
                            2. Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern
                              1. Nothing to Identify
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