The Biological Approach


Mind Map on The Biological Approach, created by smile-baybe on 04/09/2013.
Mind Map by smile-baybe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by smile-baybe over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Biological Approach
  1. Charles Darwin
    1. Published 'the origin of species'
      1. We adapt to the environment to our environment in order to survive.
        1. His theory of evolution shows how the strongest genes survive and are passed onto the net generation, whilst maladaptive genes die out.
        2. Examples of evolutionary behaviour
          1. sexual selection e.g. mating calls (in animals)
            1. rooting reflex (humans)
              1. New born babies will turn their heads to anything that touches their cheek or mouth and so this reflex aids breastfeeding and therefor survival.
          2. Research
            1. Research is mainly tested on non-human species e.g. rats and mice.
              1. Psychologists can manipulate certain genes in order to measure the effect on behaviour.
                1. Examples of research programmes:
                  1. Genetic Mapping
                    1. Genetic Engineering
                      1. Selective breeding
                    2. Stregnths
                      1. uses scientific, experimental procedures
                        1. Can produce drugs that alleviate disorders such as bipolar depression.
                        2. Limitations
                          1. Is reductionist. It only explains behaviour changes though biology.
                            1. Is over-simplistic. Fails to appreciate other factors e.g. the environment.
                              1. Raises ethical problems.
                              2. Behaviour is caused my our biological make-up
                                1. Physiology
                                  1. Investigating how the brain, nervous system and hormones operate; how changes in the structure and function of organs and chemicals can affect our behaviour
                                  2. Investigation of heritability
                                    1. Understanding the role that genes might have on our behaviuor - for example is intelligence inherited?
                                    2. Comparative Method
                                      1. Different species of animals are studies and compared to humans; this way we can learn and understand more about human behaviour.
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