

Mind Map on networking, created by euan bull on 06/09/2019.
euan bull
Mind Map by euan bull, updated more than 1 year ago
euan bull
Created by euan bull about 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. topologies
    1. ring
      1. bus
        1. star
          1. mesh
          2. area networks
            1. lan
              1. local area network
              2. wan
                1. wide area network
                2. han
                  1. Home Area Network
                  2. pan
                    1. Personal Area Network
                    2. can
                      1. Campus Area Network
                      2. man
                        1. Metropolitan Area Network
                        2. san
                          1. Storage Area Network
                            1. System-Area Network
                            2. WLAN
                              1. wireless local area network
                              2. VPN
                                1. virtual private network
                                2. EPN
                                  1. enterprise private network
                                  2. POLAN
                                    1. Passive Optical Local Area Network
                                    2. van
                                      1. Value-added network
                                      2. nanonetwork
                                        1. ban
                                          1. body area network
                                          2. Near-me area network
                                          3. protocols
                                            1. http
                                              1. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
                                                1. used for requesting an HTML file from a webserver
                                                2. https
                                                  1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.
                                                    1. encrypts the data before sending it.
                                                      1. so that it can’t be intercepted along the way.
                                                    2. POP3
                                                      1. Post Office Protocol 3
                                                        1. is a protocol for downloading email from a mail server.
                                                        2. SMTP
                                                          1. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
                                                            1. the protocol for uploading email to a mail server.
                                                            2. FTP
                                                              1. File Transfer Protocol
                                                                1. a protocol for transferring files between two computers
                                                                  1. it's used for uploading their HTML files to their webservers
                                                                2. layers
                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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