

The good and bad things to do on the internet.
Dheepti Devasenapathy
Mind Map by Dheepti Devasenapathy, updated more than 1 year ago
Dheepti Devasenapathy
Created by Dheepti Devasenapathy about 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What I can do
    1. I can use the internet for educational purposes
      1. I can create passwords that contain a combination of numbers letters and symbols.
        1. I can use sites like yahoo to check the news and YouTube to watch videos.
        2. What I can't do
          1. I cannot share personal information with unknown people.
            1. I must try my best not to go to insecure sources as they can cause a virus
              1. I cannot use websites for unnecessary uses
                1. I cannot have profile photos of my personal things i.e school uniform, door
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