

Mind Map on Patents, created by JOHN DIAZ on 01/10/2019.
Mind Map by JOHN DIAZ, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JOHN DIAZ almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Legal title granted by an invention and that protects the invention from copies or unauthorized use.
    1. Agreements and treaties
      1. They seek to protect patents worldwide.
        1. Paris Convention
          1. WIPO
            1. PCT
              1. EPC
            2. Agreements and treaties
              1. It must be novel
                1. must correspond to the inventive activity
                  1. must correspond to the inventive activity
                  2. Patent Offices in Colombia
                    1. must correspond to the inventive activity
                      1. must correspond to the inventive activity
                        1. steps to apply for a patent
                          1. Step 1: know what a patent is and what can be patented
                            1. Step 2: verify if your invention meets the patentability requirements Novelty Inventive Level industrial application
                              1. Step 3: check the state of the patent
                                1. Step 4: write the patent document
                                  1. Step 5: submit the application
                                    1. Step 6: process follow-up
                      2. STUDENT: JOHN FREDY DIAZ GROUP: 212032_10
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