Transformation of Colonial culture in the 18th Century


History Chapter 4.2
Mind Map by daydreamingheath, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by daydreamingheath about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Transformation of Colonial culture in the 18th Century
  1. Goods and houses
    1. imported goods from England
      1. beautiful, big homes
    2. Minds and Manners
      1. Worked on being Gentlemen and ladies
        1. Age of Enlightenment
          1. causes people to look for laws of nature as belief of God's inactivety in affairs becomes more popular
            1. Benjamin Franklin discovered alot
      2. Relegion
        1. Many churches
          1. New England(except Rhode Island) was Puritan
            1. 1660s Halfway Covenant allowed people to join church who hadn't been converted
              1. 1691 begins to shift away from strictly Puritans
                1. 1740-49 it whent to the Northern colonies
            2. The South was the Church of England (Anglican)
              1. 1760s, the revival spread Soth
              2. Middle Colonies were diverse
                1. The Great Awekening hit middle colonies in 1730s
            3. The Great Awekening
              1. Started in 1730 when division began in church over congregational issues
                1. Geogre Whitegield came in 1739 and started tour of colonies until 1740
                  1. He preached and united revivals going on over all the colonies into the Great Aweking
                    1. Great Awakening affects:
                      1. New Lights and Old Lights formed seperate Churches
                        1. Clergy forged ties between England and colonies
                          1. Slaves became christians in the South
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