Unit 1 - Factors that influence the building of relationships (P2)


CTEC CTEC - Health and Social Care Mind Map on Unit 1 - Factors that influence the building of relationships (P2), created by Carina Storm on 08/10/2019.
Carina Storm
Mind Map by Carina Storm, updated more than 1 year ago
Carina Storm
Created by Carina Storm almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1 - Factors that influence the building of relationships (P2)
    1. Verbal Communication
      1. Skill 1 e.g Tone
        1. Health Care
          1. * Outline the type of relationship that this skill can be used in to build positive relationships
            1. ** Write an explanation here to make it clear how the communication skill you have chosen might contribute to building positive relationships. Be specific how the skill can be used practically by those in the relationship so that it enable positive relationship building. Finish off by adding information about the effect/impact using the chosen skill will have on those in the relationship (perhaps, in particular on the service user)
        2. Skill 2
          1. Social Care
            1. *
              1. **
          2. Skill 3
            1. Child Care Environment
              1. *
                1. **
          3. Non-verbal communication
            1. Skill 1
              1. Health Care
                1. *
                  1. **
              2. Skill 2
                1. Social Care
                  1. *
                    1. **
                2. Skill 3
                  1. Child Care Environment
                    1. *
                      1. **
                3. Written
                  1. Skill 1
                    1. Health Care Settin
                      1. *
                        1. **
                    2. Skill 2
                      1. Social Care Setting
                        1. *
                          1. **
                      2. Skill 3
                        1. Child Care Setting
                          1. *
                            1. **
                      3. Special Methods and Adaptations
                        1. Skill 1
                          1. Health Care Setting
                            1. *
                              1. **
                          2. Skill 2
                            1. Social Care Setting
                              1. *
                                1. **
                            2. Skill 3
                              1. Child Care Setting
                                1. *
                                  1. **
                          3. CULTURAL FACTORS
                            1. Race
                              1. Health Care Setting
                                1. *
                                  1. **
                              2. Religion
                                1. Social Care Setting
                                  1. *
                                    1. **
                                2. LGTB
                                  1. Child Care Setting
                                    1. *
                                      1. **
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