Sudden onset of weakness


Mind Map on Sudden onset of weakness, created by du ga on 10/10/2019.
du ga
Mind Map by du ga, updated more than 1 year ago
du ga
Created by du ga over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Sudden onset of weakness
  1. Blood supply of brain
    1. STROKE
      1. acute onset of neurological deficits due to vascular lesions, hmg, or ischemia
        1. Risk factors
          1. Lifestyle
            1. medical
              1. Age
                1. Race
                  1. Gender
                    1. Hormones
                      1. males
                      2. Native americans
                      3. over 55
                      4. HTN
                        1. Berry anuerysm
                        2. alcohol
                          1. Obesity
                      5. Types
                        1. Ischemic
                          1. thrombotic
                            1. lacunar
                              1. Embolic
                          2. haemorrhagic
                            1. Intracerebral
                              1. SAH
                          3. Investigation
                            1. PE and HT
                              1. Imaging tests
                                1. Blood tests
                            2. Signs and symptoms
                              1. Facial droop
                                1. Arm drift
                                  1. Abnormal speech
                                    1. Onset
                              2. DDX
                                1. Herpes
                                  1. Hypoglycemia
                                    1. CO poisoning
                                      1. fat emboli
                                        1. Anti-epiliptic withdrawal
                                2. Managment
                                  1. pharmacological
                                    1. IV tPA
                                      1. Aspirin
                                        1. Endovascular thrombectomy
                                    2. Prognosis
                                      1. 10% full recovery
                                        1. 70% regain independance
                                          1. 25% die
                                        2. Complications
                                          1. DVT
                                            1. Seizures
                                              1. Aphasia
                                                1. Pneumonia
                                                  1. Cerberal edema
                                                    1. Depression
                                                2. Prevention
                                                  1. 1ry
                                                    1. no smoking\alcohol
                                                      1. Decrease LDL
                                                        1. Decrease blood pressure
                                                          1. 2ry
                                                            1. Screening test
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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