

mind map on connectivity --for test--
Karishma Chhatwal
Mind Map by Karishma Chhatwal, updated more than 1 year ago
Karishma Chhatwal
Created by Karishma Chhatwal about 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Deep Sea Internet Cables
    1. connected on land and under the ocean
      1. Optical Fibres
        1. Modern cables use optical fiber technology to carry digital data
        2. Different colours show direction of flow
          1. Good website to look into
          2. The most connected places are America and Europe , America and China
            1. Bandwidth
              1. The amount of data that can be carried at a time
                1. Maximum rate of data transfer across a given path
                  1. Network Bandwidth
                    1. Data transfer capacity of a network
                    2. Data Bandwidth
                      1. Maximum data transfer rate of a network or internet connection
                        1. measures how much data can be sent over a specific connection in a given amount of time
                      2. Digital Bandwidth
                        1. number of pulses per second measured in bits per second (bps)


                        • Good website to look into for extra info
                      4. Connection speed
                        1. The speed that data is transferred between your device and the internet
                          1. Download speed
                            1. Rate at which data is transferred from the internet to the user's computer
                              1. measured in megabytes per second(mbps)
                              2. More people download instead of uploading so downloading rate is quicker
                              3. Receiving speed
                                1. how quickly you can upload data
                            2. Medium
                              1. physical transmission medium
                                1. such as optical fibers
                                  1. Presentation medium
                                    1. Such as multimedia and advertising media
                                  2. Storage medium
                                    1. any technology including devices and materials and used to place,keep and retrieve electronic data
                                  3. wireless connection
                                    1. Advantages
                                      1. easy to set up
                                        1. cheap to buy
                                          1. Mobility
                                            1. link up devices
                                              1. you can access it wherever you are
                                              2. Disadvantages
                                                1. Bandwidth
                                                  1. slow 54 mbps
                                                  2. poor security
                                                    1. lots of interference
                                                      1. walls/furniture
                                                  3. Buffer
                                                    1. an area of memory used for the temporary storage of data when a program or hardware device needs an uninterrupted flow of information
                                                    2. Ethernet cable
                                                      1. Ethernet networking standard uses twisted pair copper cabling or fiber optics
                                                      2. Fiber optic cables
                                                        1. Data travels through these at a speed of 299 792 458 m/s which is the speed of light
                                                          1. Expensive due to microscopic size
                                                            1. Copper cables
                                                              1. a lot of interference
                                                                1. cheap
                                                                  1. can be used as average speed of broadband
                                                                2. The history of connectivity
                                                                  1. the first cable was 2,500 miles long and was laid across the Atlantic in 1858 after many difficulties including storms and cable breakages
                                                                    1. For each mile of cable 133 miles of copper and iron wire was needed
                                                                      1. total weight was 1 ton per mile
                                                                  2. broadband
                                                                    1. high speed connection to the internet that has superseded the use of dial-up connection
                                                                      1. fiber optic glass thread is used in modern cables,with up to 1,000 glass fibers in a single cable
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