criteria for LOGOS


Englisch Mind Map on criteria for LOGOS, created by Maria Minkowitsch on 20/01/2020.
Maria Minkowitsch
Mind Map by Maria Minkowitsch, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria Minkowitsch
Created by Maria Minkowitsch over 4 years ago

Resource summary

criteria for LOGOS
  1. customer-focus
    1. appeal to target customers (current and future)
      1. easy, universal access
        1. voc: universal concept; speak to their interests/needs
        2. relevancy
          1. reveal sth about the nature of the company
            1. not too literal
              1. voc: to allude to the industry
              2. distinctiveness
                1. create a strong and unique impression
                  1. be different within competitors
                    1. voc: distinctly different from competitors
                    2. memorability
                      1. simplicity
                        1. distilled, clean, high-impact
                          1. Could it be expressed with fewer items?
                            1. voc: communicate the idea
                            2. credibility
                              1. project sth that is credible
                                1. inspire the trust you want
                                  1. voc: stretch people's stereotypes; distinguish your brand
                                  2. timelessness
                                    1. create sth timeless and inclusive
                                      1. not too trendy but timely
                                        1. voc: maximize investment; adapt or redesign
                                        2. adaptability
                                          1. can be applied in a variety of technical applications
                                            1. black-and-white; in color; down to the side of a promotional pen, web banners; etc
                                            2. voc: to scale up or down
                                            3. extendability
                                              1. clearly visualize logo to build out in various forms of media
                                                1. inspire potential headlines
                                                  1. voc: to amplify its reach
                                                  2. depth of meaning
                                                    1. encourage different levels interpretation/engagement
                                                      1. clear but layers of meaning/symbolism
                                                        1. voc: not being to literal; by engaging the viewer's brain
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