SAB4#67 Plan Cost Management


Rita 269-270 HF 339-340-341
Mind Map by anesio.benna, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anesio.benna about 9 years ago

Resource summary

SAB4#67 Plan Cost Management
  1. Process: 7.1 Plan Cost Management
    1. Process Group: Planning
      1. Knowledge Area: Cost Management
        1. Project management plan
          1. Project charter
            1. Enterprise environmental factors EEFs
              1. Organizational process assets OPAs
                1. Expert judgment
                  1. Analytical tchniques
                    1. ROI (Return of investment): A technique to measure the potential profitability of an investment by calculating the benefits received in relation to the cost
                      1. Discounted cash flow: A technique to estimate the attractiveness of an investment by predicting how much money will be received in the future and discounting it to its current value
                      2. Meetings
                        1. Cost management plan on the exam, could also be called: "budget management plan" or "budget plan"
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