Conditional Sentences 0, 1st & 2nd


Estructura para formar las oraciones en inglés en presente simple con verbos diferentes al verbo to be
Ari Fernández Mc Naught
Mind Map by Ari Fernández Mc Naught, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by JOWANI BELLO MELO over 9 years ago
Ari Fernández Mc Naught
Copied by Ari Fernández Mc Naught over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Conditional Sentences 0, 1st & 2nd
  1. Zero conditional
    1. If
      1. Condition
        1. If clause
        2. Result
          1. Main clause
        3. First conditional
          1. If
            1. Condition
              1. Present Simple
              2. ,
                1. Comma
                2. Result
                  1. Future Simple
                3. Second conditional
                  1. If I were you,
                    1. I would + verb
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