Causes and effects of The Russian Revolution


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Resource summary

Causes and effects of The Russian Revolution
  1. Online
    1. Organizar Estudios
      1. Workers began to strike and soldiers began to desert their posts.
        1. Politicians advised Nicholas to reform movements and bring democratic change to Russia
          1. He ignored them
        2. Rioters were breaking into stores to steal food and supplies.
          1. Troops refused to keep order and they joined the rioters.


        3. Interfaz
          1. Español


            1. Portugués


              1. Próximamente
                1. Francés
                  1. Alemán
                2. THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION OF 1917
                  1. Bolsheviks were the communist followers of Karl Marx in Russia.
                    1. Recursos de Estudio
                      1. Communism appealed to the poor
                        1. leader in Russia was Vladimir Lenin.
                          1. Due to the threat he represented to the Czar
                            1. he had been in exile in Western Europe during the first part of the war.
                            2. The German government saw Lenin as a means to upset the delicate balance in Russia
                              1. They helped him to escape back to St. Petersburg.
                                1. Lenin saw this as a chance to take control for communism
                                  1. They promised war torn Russians the three things needed most
                                    1. Peace
                                      1. Land
                                        1. Bread
                                2. Factory workers treated badly were looking for achange.
                              2. NICHOLAS II, CZAR OF RUSSIA
                                1. Nicholas increased industrial production in Russia
                                  1. created a larger class of urban poor
                                    1. The Czar´s generals ordered the troops to open fire on the people.
                                      1. Over 500 unarmed people were killed, Bloody Sunday
                                        1. Czar was forced to give up some of his power to the Dumas.
                                          1. the real power of Russia in the hands of the democratically elected
                                            1. Nicholas dissolved the Dumas
                                              1. Many people became angry
                                        2. The urban poor worked in factories
                                          1. horrible conditions
                                            1. long hours
                                              1. little pay.
                                        3. WORLD WAR I COMPLICATES THINGS
                                          1. Nicholas agreed to back up Serbia in a war
                                            1. Compartir enlace
                                              1. Recursos TIC
                                                1. Imprimir
                                                  1. citizens were upset and angry over the deaths of their sons and fathers.
                                                    1. People needed food and other supplies
                                                      1. Nicholas decided to go to the Eastern Front and lead his troops.
                                                2. Colaboración
                                                  1. Compañeros de estudio
                                                    1. left his power to his brother, who refused to take it.
                                                      1. Aprendizaje Colaborativo
                                                    2. Alumnosthe provisional government was struggling to keep control.
                                                      1. Maestros
                                                      2. Visual
                                                        1. Dinámico
                                                          1. Desde Cualquier Lugar
                                                            1. PC
                                                              1. Tableta
                                                                1. Smartphone
                                                                  1. En casa
                                                                    1. Sobre la marcha
                                                                      1. young nobles murdered him
                                                                        1. damage to the reputation of the royal family
                                                                      2. Ordenador portátil
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