Past Continuous


grammar past continuous
Sugey Tinedo Diaz
Mind Map by Sugey Tinedo Diaz, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mar Fernández Salgado
Created by Mar Fernández Salgado almost 8 years ago
Sugey Tinedo Diaz
Copied by Sugey Tinedo Diaz over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Past Continuous
  1. Use
    1. Interrupted Action in the Past
      1. I was watching TV when she called.
      2. two actions happening at the same time
        1. I was studying while he was making dinner.
        2. puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past
          1. He was playing football
        3. Exceptions in Spelling
          1. come – coming (but: agree – agreeing)
            1. sit – sitting
              1. travel – travelling
                1. lie – lying
                2. Form
                  1. Afirmative
                    1. I / he / she / it was + - ing
                      1. I was jumping / she was working
                      2. you, we, they were + - ing
                        1. you were living here for a while / they were practising
                      3. Negative
                        1. I / he / she / it was not (wasn't) + - ing
                          1. I was not working / he was not playing in the park / It wasn´t raining
                          2. you, we, they were not (weren't) + - ing
                            1. You were not working / They were not playing chess / We weren´t planning a party
                          3. Interrogative
                            1. Was (I, he, she, it) + -ing ?
                              1. Was I working? / Was he playing in the park? / Was it raining?
                              2. Were (you, we, they) + -ing?
                                1. Were you working? / Were they playing in the park? / Were we planning a party?
                            2. Signal words
                              1. Yesterday, while, last week, at 8 o'clock...
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