D. Preservation and Conservation of Soil, Water, Flora and Fauna of Forest, and Mangrove Swamps.


Mind Map on D. Preservation and Conservation of Soil, Water, Flora and Fauna of Forest, and Mangrove Swamps., created by oitt_aa on 22/09/2013.
Mind Map by oitt_aa, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by oitt_aa over 10 years ago

Resource summary

D. Preservation and Conservation of Soil, Water, Flora and Fauna of Forest, and Mangrove Swamps.
  1. ☻ Preservation ensures the sustainable use of natural resources.
    1. ☻ Conservation is the protection and management of the Earth’s natural resources.
      1. ☻ Proper soil management techniques are required to maintain soil structure, soil fertility and to reduce soil erosion
        1. o Crop rotation where different crop plants are grown in a field in regular rotation
          1. o Tillage or mechanical preparation of the soil, for example by ploughing
            1. o Addition of the inorganic fertilizer to promote plant growth.
              1. o Drainage and irrigation to carefully manage water supplies.
              2. ☻ Water is vital to life and as such it is an important material resource that needs to be protected and managed properly.
                1. ☻ The integrated water resources management ( IWRM) needs to be practised for sustainable development.
                  1. ☻ IWRM takes into account water sub-sectors such as hydropower, water supplies and sanitation, irrigation and drainage, and the environment.
                    1. ☻ Forests need to be preserved and conserved as they play various roles.
                      1. o They act as a carbon sink where during the process of photosynthesis their massive foliage absorbs carbon dioxide and turns it into organic material locked up in trees. As a byproduct of photosynthesis, forests release life-sustaining oxygen to the atmosphere.
                        1. o They act like a huge sponge that absorbs, retains and slowly releases water back to the rivers and waterways. Thus forest helps prevent soil erosion and possible landslide.
                          1. o They act as a provider of timber and non timber products such as wild fruits, bamboo, rattan, honey and others.
                            1. o They act as a depository for medicinal plants.
                              1. o They act as a reservoir of biological diversity.
                              2. ☻ As such, sustainable forest management is important so that invaluable forest resources are managed properly to provide a continuous flow of vital products.
                                1. ☻ The practice of sustainable forest management include selective logging, reforestation ( establishment of areas of forest) , and establishment of forest reserves.
                                  1. ☻ Mangrove forest are among the world’s most productive and complex ecosystem. They are important because they are :
                                    1. o Are rich in biodiversity as they provide habitats and feeding sites for both terrestrial and aquatic organisms.
                                      1. o Provides flood control.
                                        1. o Are a sources of raw material for buildings and food.
                                          1. o Protects banks and shores against the force of tides thus preventing soil erosion of coastlines.
                                            1. o Filter water and other effluents.
                                            2. ☻ The National Mangrove Management Plan takes into account the economic, social and environmental concerns so as to optimise returns while ensuring resources sustainability.
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