Reported Speech


Mind Map on Reported Speech, created by Sebastian Lopez Ochoa on 04/05/2020.
Sebastian Lopez Ochoa
Mind Map by Sebastian Lopez Ochoa, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
María Escobar
Created by María Escobar over 9 years ago
Diego  Santos
Copied by Diego Santos over 9 years ago
Sebastian Lopez Ochoa
Copied by Sebastian Lopez Ochoa almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Reported Speech
  1. Main reporting verbs
    1. Say and Tell
      1. For Statements
        1. Grammar
          1. Person + said + (that)
          2. Grammar
            1. Person + told+ object pronoun + (that)
        2. Adverbs and determiners
          1. Here
            1. There
            2. Yesterday
              1. The day before / the previous day
                1. Last week
                  1. The week before / the previous week
                2. Last year
                  1. The year before
                  2. Tomorrow
                    1. The following day
                      1. Next week
                        1. Tonight
                          1. Today
                            1. That day
                            2. That night
                            3. The following week
                          2. This
                            1. That
                            2. These
                              1. Those
                            3. Pronouns
                              1. Subject pronouns
                                1. Object pronouns
                                  1. Possesive adjectives
                                  2. Verb change in tense
                                    1. Direct Speech
                                      1. Past simple
                                        1. Present perfect
                                          1. Present simple
                                            1. Present continuous
                                              1. Will
                                                1. Verb to be + going to
                                                  1. Must
                                                    1. Can
                                                    2. Reported Speech
                                                      1. Past perfect
                                                        1. Past perfect
                                                          1. Past simple
                                                            1. Past continuous
                                                              1. Would
                                                                1. Was/were + going to
                                                                  1. Had to
                                                                    1. Could
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