Barbara Cassin More Than One Language


Mind Map on Barbara Cassin More Than One Language, created by kate mejia on 12/05/2020.
kate  mejia
Mind Map by kate mejia , updated more than 1 year ago
kate  mejia
Created by kate mejia over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Barbara Cassin More Than One Language
  1. Why Learn and Speak a Different Language from One’s Own?
    1. different languages´-Different worlds
    2. What Is a Maternal Language? Barbarity and Blah Blah Blah
      1. The mother tongue is the language of the context in which we develop from the belly until we grow up .
        1. Barbarian, anyone who speaks pure blah blah blah and won't speak the language Greek Logos
        2. “A Language is Not Something that Belongs”
          1. It doesn’t belong to you: you belong to it and it belongs to people other than you.
            1. if a language is not something that belongs, this is also because it is something that is learned.
            2. Several Languages Several Worlds
              1. how each one always sketches out something like a world or a vision of the world, and how these worlds enter into contact with one another.
              2. Untranslatables
                1. Translating
                  1. one language to another, is like go from one world to another
                  2. Homonyms
                    1. the same word means several things
                    2. words that one cannot render in another language, that are characteristics of a language and signal it in its difference: in sum, symptoms of the difference of languages.
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