Physics Exam 1


Mind Map on Physics Exam 1, created by oliviab on 24/09/2013.
Mind Map by oliviab, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by oliviab almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Physics Exam 1
  1. Chapter 2 Motion, forces, and Newton's Laws
    1. Motion
      1. acceleration
        1. a = v / t
        2. position
          1. velocity
            1. velocity is a vector quantity,the magnitude of velocity is called speed.
              1. Vave = delta x / delta t
                1. average velocity and instantaneous velocity
                2. Newton's Law
                  1. Newton's First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, the object will maintain its velocity forever.
                    1. Newton's Second Law: In many situations, several different forces act on an object simultaneously. the total force on the object is the sum of these individual forces. The acceleration of an object with mass m is given by: a = F / m.
                      1. When one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts a force of the same magnitude and opposite direction on the first object.
                        1. all action come in action-reaction pairs.
                  2. Chapter 3: Forces and Motion in One Dimension
                    1. Part 1: constant acc. equations of motion, normal forces and weight, free body diagrams
                      1. Motion Along a Line
                        1. (Vfx)=(Vix) + (Ax)(T)
                          1. X= (Vix)(T) + (1/2) (Ax)(T)^2
                            1. (Vfx)^2= (Vix)^2 + (2)(Ax)(X)
                            2. Normal Force
                              1. Acts perpendicularly to the plane of contact
                                1. Apparent Weight= Normal Force
                                2. Free Body Diagram
                                  1. Used for analysis using Newton's 2nd Law
                                  2. Friction
                                    1. Opposes the Motion
                                      1. Kinetic Friction: F(friction)= (coefficient of kinetic friction) x N (normal force)
                                        1. Static Friction: F (friction)= less than/ equal to= (coefficient of static friction) x N (normal force)
                                      2. Part 2: free fall motion, Newton's 2nd Law applications
                                        1. Free fall motion
                                          1. any object which once projected or dropped continues in motion by its own inertia and is influenced only by the down force of gravity
                                            1. object always has acceleration of gravity: 9.8 m/s^2
                                            2. Tension
                                              1. the ideal "cord" has zero mass, does not stretch, and tension is the same throughout the cord
                                          2. Chapter 4
                                            1. Ch4.1 static
                                              1. ΣF(F-net)=ma
                                                1. When forces are balanced their is no acceleration in the system
                                                  1. this is called static equilibrium
                                                    1. Which also means if there is no acceleration the is no un-balanced force F-net=0
                                                  2. Projectile Motion
                                                    1. X-component of velocity is always constant in projectile motion unless friction force is present.
                                                      1. The Y-component of velocity is always zero at its peak hieght
                                                        1. Always acted on by gravity if going up (negative acceleration) if going down (positive acceleration)
                                                        2. Range: is the total distances the object can cover in the X-direction
                                                          1. can be calculated by taking the X-component of the velocity and multiplying it by 2x the time it takes an object to reach its peach in (not including height differences or dead drops)
                                                        3. Tension force
                                                          1. A=(m2-m1)g/m1+m2
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