Evolutionary Trends in Hominins


Mind Map on Evolutionary Trends in Hominins, created by briannacoleman96 on 25/09/2013.
Mind Map by briannacoleman96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by briannacoleman96 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Evolutionary Trends in Hominins
  1. Bipedal Locomotion
    1. Jaw bone
      1. Vertebral column
        1. Pelvis
          1. Femurs
            1. Knee joint
              1. Foramen Magnum
                1. Legs
                  1. Foot
                  2. Muscle tone
                    1. Partial contraction of skeletal muscles
                      1. e.g. erect head
                    2. Striding gait
                      1. only humans
                        1. big toe
                          1. transverse arch
                            1. longitudinal arch
                            2. Carrying angle
                              1. arrangement of femurs
                                1. broad pelvis
                                  1. weight distribtion
                                    1. central axis close
                                    2. greater stability
                                      1. striding gait, not swaying
                                      2. Cerebral cortex
                                        1. increase in size/complexity
                                          1. greater convolutions
                                            1. inc. surface area
                                            2. inc. in cranial capacity
                                              1. advanced, greater frontal lobe
                                                1. house larger more complex brain
                                              2. Dentition
                                                1. dec. size of molars
                                                  1. canine teeth not projecting, not interlocking
                                                    1. parabolic dental arcade
                                                    2. Prognathism
                                                      1. reduction
                                                        1. flattened face
                                                          1. distinctive forehead
                                                            1. gradual englargement of cranium

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