Pronouns (subject/object)


Mind Map on Pronouns (subject/object), created by mariaramos on 09/25/2013.
Mind Map by mariaramos, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mariaramos over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Pronouns (subject/object)
  1. Subject
    1. Acts as the subject of the sentence by performing the action of the verb
      1. For example, "He is watching the moon tonight" "He" is the subject pronoun and "watching the moon" is the verb
        1. Subject pronouns include: he, I, it, she, they, we and you
    2. Object
      1. Acts as the object of a sentence by receiving the action of the verb
        1. For example, "cousin Earl gave me some money" "Me" would be the object pronoun
          1. For example, "Take a picture of him, not us" In this case both "him" and "us" would be the object pronoun as the verb is happening to both
            1. Object pronouns include: her, him, it, me, them, us and you
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