Present Continuous


Revise Presente Contínuo - Beginner Unit 09
Katarina  Novellino
Mind Map by Katarina Novellino, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Yvan Henrique
Created by Yvan Henrique almost 8 years ago
Katarina  Novellino
Copied by Katarina Novellino almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Present Continuous
  1. Future / now
    1. Affirmative
      1. Person
        1. I am cooking
          1. She is watching TV
          2. to be
            1. verb+ing
            2. Negative
              1. Person
                1. I am not cooking
                  1. She is not watching TV
                  2. to be not
                    1. verb + ing
                    2. Questions
                      1. To be
                        1. Are you cooking?
                          1. Is she watching TV?
                          2. person
                            1. verb + ing
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