Climate Change Over the Past 100 Years


cambio climitico el origen , las causas y medidas ambientales att SHARON STEPHANIA ESTEBAN CORREA
lina caro
Mind Map by lina caro, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
sharon esteban
Created by sharon esteban about 9 years ago
lina caro
Copied by lina caro over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Climate Change Over the Past 100 Years
  1. What does warming do?
    1. endangered species
      1. climate change
        1. desertification
          1. Iheavy downpours
            1. Higher temperatures
              1. drought
              2. measured since 1880
                1. The melting of the glaciers
                  1. deforestation
                    1. melting and warming of the tundra
                      1. permafrost
                        1. volcano eruption
                          1. greenhouse gases
                            1. population growth
                            2. measurement
                              1. satellites
                                1. measure the temperature of the atmosphere to a height of 30,000 feet
                                  1. la superficie y varias capas de la atmósfera
                                2. Global surface temperature
                                  1. has been measured since 1880 at
                                    1. network of ground-based and ocean-based sites.
                                    2. The eleven warmest years this century have all occurred since 1980
                                      1. 1995 the warmest on record
                                        1. The higher latitudes have warmed more than the equatorial regions.
                                          1. Over the last century, the average surface temperature of the Earth has increased by about 1.0o F.
                                          2. By Camilo Orjuela , Juaan rodriguez
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