

Mindmap to support Step 1.6 of the EPQ MOOC
Nya Halliday
Mind Map by Nya Halliday, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
TEL Bath
Created by TEL Bath over 7 years ago
Nya Halliday
Copied by Nya Halliday over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Easy to fit with the EPQ requirements
    1. Is your idea appropriate for an EPQ?
      1. Yes, because I can comfortably research it by myself and without too much support from others.
    2. Time
      1. How much time have you planned to dedicate to your EPQ?
        1. I have dedicated a lot of time to this as I am genuinely interested in finding out more about this and I am intending on devoting a lot of time over summer to ensure I have researched my topic as much as possible.
      2. Achievability
        1. Consider the scope of your topic.
          1. It is broad enough to have enough information to write about but I have the flexibility to cut or decrease the importance of certain factors if there is too much information!
        2. Personal interests
          1. I am genuinely interested and I am willing to devote a lot of time to this!
          2. Help available
            1. How much help do you need with finding out about the topic?
              1. I don't need that much help because there are lots of sources online with information due to it being quite a controversial and lots of differing opinions, with many factors to consider.
            2. Your motivation
              1. Consider why you are doing your EPQ.
                1. I am doing an EPQ as I have never been given the opportunity to freely research a topic I am interested in and I might as well gain a qualification out of it. It is going to be good practice for University as well.
              2. Ease of finding information
                1. I am able to find information regarding my topic on forums, MOOCS, videos, online documentaries and blogs.
                2. Current coursework
                  1. Remember your EPQ cannot repeat work you have done in your A-Level or other coursework.
                    1. At the moment, I am studying A-Level Biology, however, we only really learn about the scientific knowledge about vaccinations and we touch on the ethics of them. We don't learn about the economic impact, the history and the opposition faced against them.
                  2. Ethics
                    1. Is your project ‘ethical’?
                      1. It is ethical in terms of it does involve people's opinions, however I will make sure if people don't want me referencing or publishing their views, I won't. In terms of vaccinations themselves, it is debatable the ethics behind them and this is something I am intending on researching further.
                    2. Current knowledge
                      1. I have a basic understanding of the scientific knowledge surrounding vaccinations from A-Level and I studied History at GCSE so I am familiar with the history of vaccinations during the 19th and 20th century.
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