An Inspector Calls - Themes


Mind Map on An Inspector Calls - Themes, created by Elon Musk on 24/06/2020.
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Emily Simms
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Elon Musk
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Resource summary

An Inspector Calls - Themes
  1. Social Class
    1. Eva Smith
      1. Mr.Birling -She was cheap labour
        1. "If they didn't like those rates they could go and work somewhere else"
        2. Shelia- someone who could be fired out of spite
          1. "I couldn't be sorry for her"
          2. Gerald- A mistress who could be dismissed at will
            1. "And by that time Daisy knew it was coming to an end"
            2. Eric-Easy fun at the end of a drunken night out
              1. I wasn't in love with her or anything "
              2. Mrs Birling- An arrogant status seeker
                1. "As if a girl like that would ever refuse money!"
              3. Class Structure
                1. Working Class
                  1. Had all the hardest jobs and little money
                    1. Eva/Daisy: Struggles through life doing hard jobs , earning just enough to survive
                  2. Middle Class
                    1. Owned factories or were professionals(like lawyers). Had plenty of money and control.
                      1. The Birlings: Wealthy and own a business, able to live very comfortably
                        1. Think class is all that matters
                          1. Mr Birling's biggest concern about Eva's death is that he won't get his knighthood because there will be a "public scandal"
                            1. Thinks his positions of authority make him more important eg. Lord Mayor and a council member
                              1. He uses Gerald to promote his social class eg. pleased his daughter is marrying into a higher class
                                1. Sybil Birling is a leading member of the Brumley Women's Charity Organisation but only involved for the social status
                                  1. Priestley thought class shouldn't matter
                                    1. Priestley uses the play to show the unfairness of the class system
                                      1. Uses the Birlings as exaggerated caricatures of all the bad qualities he thought the ruling classes had
                                      2. Isn't just about one family's scandal. Its shows how Priestley saw society. He presents their arrogant behaviour and selfish attitudes as common to the middle class
                                        1. Presents the working class as vicitms of the class system,- although Eva/Daisy's story was unique the miseries she suffered were probably quite common. She could of been anyone.
                                2. Upper Class
                                  1. Inherited loads of land and money, were often Lords or Ladies
                                    1. Gerald: Family owns land and are socially 'better' than the Birlings. Inherited money had a higher status than trade
                                    2. Limited sense of social responsibility for those well off- They either didn't know, didn't want to know or they didn't care
                                      1. Didn't question the class system as it worked for them
                                      2. Meant that the Lower classes struggled
                                        1. How people act isn't just about class
                                          1. Eva/Daisy is expected to have low morals but she doesn't accept stolen money even when she is desperate
                                            1. Birlings think class is all that matters but Priestley is trying to present the opposite view. Hes suggests that class only clouds peoples judgement and people should be judged by what they do not by what class they were born into
                                              1. By having Eric and Shelia changed by the end of the play it shows that class doesn't define you , individuals can break out and act differently
                                          2. Social responsibility
                                            1. The character's views are challenged
                                              1. Birling: Thinks that community responsibility is "nonsense". The interests of business are more important than workers rights.
                                                1. Shelia: Realises that getting Eva/Daisy sacked out of jealousy was irresponsible but she didn't do anything about it at the time. The Inspector challenges her to improve her behaviour.
                                                  1. Eric: Realises too late that his selfish actions were responsible for ruining Eva/Daisy's chances of improving her life.
                                                    1. Mrs Birling: Beieves they have no responsibility to the working class-her prejudices are so ingrained that they can't be changed.
                                                    2. Social responsibilty is the Inspector's main focus
                                                      1. His final speech is clear and to the point - it's his summary of responsibility.
                                                        1. Wasn't trying to make them feel guilty just aware of the difficulties faced by"millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths.
                                                        2. All the events in the play are connected. Priestley's moral seems to be that it doesn't take great people to change the world-we all change it everyday just by the way we treat others.
                                                        3. The play reveals a lot about Priestley's socialist ideas
                                                          1. He was a supporter of socialism- his plays premote social responsibility and criticise the problems caused by class divide.
                                                            1. The play tries to make the audience question not only their social responsibility but also how responsible they are for their own actions.
                                                              1. The audience are already wary of Birling's short sighted opinions so when he criticises socialism, the audience are more inclined to disagree with him. In this way Priestley uses Birling to premote socialist ideas.
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