Evolution of technology and gaming


Mindmap to support Step 1.6 of the EPQ MOOC
Zephk Yra
Mind Map by Zephk Yra, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
TEL Bath
Created by TEL Bath about 7 years ago
Zephk Yra
Copied by Zephk Yra almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Evolution of technology and gaming
  1. Easy to fit with the EPQ requirements
    1. Is your idea appropriate for an EPQ?
      1. Yes as this topic will allow me to do my own research and will improve my knowledge on the topic.
    2. Time
      1. How much time have you planned to dedicate to your EPQ?
        1. I will have around a few hours every few days to work on my EPQ, an hour researching on the topic and the rest in writing and refining what I have researched.
      2. Achievability
        1. Consider the scope of your topic.
          1. I believe that this topic has a lot to talk about and will likely reach the achievability of the essay required.
        2. Personal interests
          1. This EPQ fits to me as technology and gaming are within one of my bigger interest and I hope that I can find a career that involves the topic.
          2. Help available
            1. How much help do you need with finding out about the topic?
              1. I believe that there should be sufficient help and resources available for me to do this EPQ, this includes some help from my friends and numerous resources online.
            2. Your motivation
              1. Consider why you are doing your EPQ.
                1. I chose this topic as it is within my area of interest and that I hope to reach a career that involves this specific topic.
              2. Ease of finding information
                1. Investigate how easy it is to find the information you need.
                  1. There are countless articles out in the internet talking about the history of technology and lots of websites to use that provides bigger detail on the technology and gaming area.
                2. Current coursework
                  1. Remember your EPQ cannot repeat work you have done in your A-Level or other coursework.
                    1. This EPQ does not entirely related to my current course as I mostly study programming and not about ethical theory in computing yet.
                  2. Ethics
                    1. Is your project ‘ethical’?
                      1. This topic involves people as the main target audience as technology is constantly operated by humans and games produced are made for people to test and play.
                    2. Current knowledge
                      1. You may find it easier to choose a topic that you already know something about.
                        1. This will allow you to get a head start by brainstorming what you know and deciding what you need to find out.
                          1. Think hard before choosing something completely new because this may involve a lot more work!
                            1. This topic touches on a subject that I currently study in college so I should not have much difficulty in knowing most details about what I will find with resources online.
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