
Mapa conceptual de 'modal verbs' para estudiantes de nivel B1
Jorge Luis Nieto Rangel
Mind Map by Jorge Luis Nieto Rangel, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Florencia Soledad
Created by Florencia Soledad over 9 years ago
Jorge Luis Nieto Rangel
Copied by Jorge Luis Nieto Rangel about 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Modals and Semi-modals
    1. Ability
      1. Can
        1. Could
          1. Be able to
          2. Advice and suggestion
            1. Should
              1. Shouldn't
                1. Ought to
                  1. Could
                  2. Lack of obligation & necessity
                    1. Needn't
                      1. Don't have to
                      2. Necessity, obligation & prohibition
                        1. Must
                          1. Have to
                            1. Mustn't
                            2. Permission & request
                              1. Can
                                1. Could
                                  1. May
                                  2. Possibility & certainty
                                    1. Could
                                      1. May/ Might
                                        1. Must
                                          1. Can't
                                        2. Modals Perfect
                                          1. Past possibility
                                            1. May/ Might have
                                              1. Could have
                                              2. Ability and wilingness to do sth in th past, but the action did not happen
                                                1. Could have
                                                  1. Would have
                                                  2. Certainty about the past
                                                    1. Can't/ Couldn't have
                                                      1. Must have
                                                      2. Criticism of past actions
                                                        1. Should have
                                                          1. Should't have
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