Labour 1924


Mind Map by brad0412, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by brad0412 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Labour 1924
  1. Policies
    1. Domestic - Wheatley's Housing Act was very successful for creating council houses and both state scholarships were brought back and the 2 16-week benefits period removed (OAP benefits up). Yet Liberal reliance led to moderate reforms (no nationalisation), unenployment remained and London transport strikes occured (due to TU funds and wanted policies), stepped down but strained relations and embarassing.
      1. Foreign - Mac oversaw the Dawes plan which saw the removal of troops from the Ruhr and Germany could pay whatever. Diplomatic recognition for Soviet regime and trade treaty signed. Efforts in Geneva Protocol too (arbitration of international disputes compulsory) but fell out of gov before accepted.
      2. Statistics
        1. Cons 258, Libs 159, Lab 191, outvoted on tariffs. Wheatley £9M grants to housing. Dawes Plan sees 8M marks to Germany from USA. 1M unemployed at end. Votes 364 to 198 in Campbell Case Next election, Con 419, Lab 151 and Lib 40.
        2. Debate
          1. General -Labour filled the cabinet with people like Haldane (a former Lib) to show their policy of winning support outside the working. Also the fake Zinoviev letter with instructions on takeover before election is seen as having very minimal impact.
            1. Pugh - MacDonald welcomed the end as it would have only been harder to contain the radical left.
              1. General - Splits occurred with the ILP and Scottish Clydeside MP’s wanting more socialist measures but Mac did not want to appeal to electorate for Common’s loss.
                1. Mann - With the Dawes Plan the new Premier Herriot wanted reconciliation unlike the old Poincare.
                2. Note
                  1. Bonar Law had taken over from Lloyd George and Baldwin from him in 1923, but Lib and Lab united for lessened living costs leading to his loss. He allowed this as Libs and Cons could outvote anything too radical. Note too it ended over the Campbell Case (ditor of Worker’s Weekly arrested for telling soldiers to not shoot strikers, Labour Attorney General withdrew prosecution, alarmed many with Communist Russia) and vote cast which Mac saw as vote of no confidence.
                    1. Some did not support going into government (minority = compromised by instutition of capitalist society), and many posts were filled with former Libs and Cons as more experience and continued imperial policy. Some say Zinoviev letter was an easy way to blame loss instead of on weaknesses.
                  2. Why win?
                    1. Payment of MPs in 1911 allowed working men. Labour and The New Social Order, the parties manifesto in 1918 promised nationalisation/distribution of wealth which appealed to now able to vote workers. Conservatives dealt badly with trade depression in 1923 and his speech in Plymouth annoucning tarriffs had been an issue as little time for organisers to prepare for a campaign and Baldwin's inexperience = could avoid general election to next spring .Liberals as seen had issues with policy and split in 1916 etc. After Henderson's resignation had focused on local party branches (1924 = only 19 constitutiencies lack branch of party). Note increase voters does not mean all Labour (e.g soldiers resident in barracks).
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