The Butcher's Shop


A-Levels ENGLISH Mind Map on The Butcher's Shop, created by joanna.hall on 05/10/2013.
Mind Map by joanna.hall, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joanna.hall over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Butcher's Shop
  1. "strung"
    1. noose
      1. used
        1. disturbing
          1. Hang (something) so that it stretches in a long line.
            1. Thread (a series of small objects) on a string.
            2. "butcher"
              1. A person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop.
                1. Slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food: "the meat will be butchered"
                  1. sly
                    1. killer


                      • killing animals for business.
                      1. merciless
                      2. "soggy"
                        1. Wet and soft
                          1. useless
                            1. dull
                              1. disgusting
                                1. wet to touch
                                2. "prance"
                                  1. Move with high springy steps
                                    1. An act or instance of prancing.
                                    2. "clog"
                                      1. Fill or block with an accumulation of thick, wet matter: "gutters clogged up with leaves"
                                        1. blockage
                                          1. inconvenience
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