Medical Negligence


Torts (Negligence) Mind Map on Medical Negligence, created by Jay Ganesh on 10/06/2013.
Jay Ganesh
Mind Map by Jay Ganesh, updated more than 1 year ago
Jay Ganesh
Created by Jay Ganesh over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Medical Negligence
  1. Services
    1. All services except free of charge or under a contract of personal service
    2. Indian Medical Association Vs V.P Shantha
      1. services
        1. Free of charge
          1. FC to some and chargable to others - Services
            1. FC to all - is not service
            2. Chargable - services
            3. Case laws
              1. existence of duty
                1. standard of care
                  1. breach of duty
                    1. injury
                      1. connection duty and injury
                2. Negligence must be proved
                  1. material evidence
                    1. undue delay must be proved
                      1. Technique of treatment
                        1. blood bank,druggists
                          1. Misrepresentation by doctor
                            1. Excessive billing
                              1. Post operative care
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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