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What are the advantages and disadvantages for asking help for your homework to?
aliasmichifu _yt
Mind Map by aliasmichifu _yt, updated more than 1 year ago
aliasmichifu _yt
Created by aliasmichifu _yt over 3 years ago

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  1. parents
    1. advantages
      1. the advantage of studying with parents is that they may know things that we do not because they have already studied that
      2. disadvantages
        1. tasks may put them with something to do with technology and they may not be as up to date
        2. friends
          1. advantages
            1. you may understand them more because almost all the time you are in contact with them
            2. disasvantages
              1. that when you understand more you relax and more when being with them
              2. teacher
                1. advantages
                  1. the teacher may explain how many times you need to understand
                  2. disadvantages
                    1. many times teachers explain from a text it seems that google is explaining
                    2. online tutor
                      1. advantages
                        1. These tutors do it in a more didactic way by having the web next to it
                        2. disadvantages
                          1. They seem to have learned a text and are reading it, so nothing is learned
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