
Health and Social - Social Trends
Mind Map by 08beckett_mo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 08beckett_mo almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

    1. lone parent families
      1. A parent who is not married and does not have a partner but has a child
        1. Make up 24% of all families
      2. TRENDS
        1. advantages
          1. girls may gain higher aspirations seeing their mother do well for caring for a family
            1. give more women hope that they do not need to be married to have and raise children
              1. more children may be more inspired to not be alone from experience of family which may then increase marriage rates
              2. disadvantages
                1. children may not be able to form a relationship with their father which may then affect the way that they bond with others.
                  1. children who have been brought up in this family may get put off with raising a family of their own
                    1. may not be able to gain as much income as may be living in poverty
                  2. EXPLANATIONS OF TRENDS
                    1. Increase in divorce
                      1. Increase in never-married women
                        1. Decline in stigma of birth outside marriages
                          1. Mainly headed by mothers
                            1. widespread belief that women by nature are better to care for children
                              1. courts give mothers custody
                                1. men are less willing to give up work
                              2. PATTERNS
                                1. Over 90% of lone parent families are headed by mothers
                                  1. single mothers became the biggest group of lone mothers since 1990's
                                    1. A child living in this family type is twice more likely to be in poverty
                                    2. RESEARCH METHODS
                                      1. Questionnaires
                                        1. more quantitative data
                                          1. representative and reliable results
                                            1. ensures anonymity so could result in higher response rate
                                              1. may feel more willing to voice opinions as may not be as sensitive and shy
                                              2. Interviews
                                                1. more valid results
                                                  1. some may feel more willing to talk to individual face to face
                                                    1. less risk of individuals misunderstanding questions
                                                      1. parents will not feel as restricted to answer giving more open opinions
                                                    2. POTENTIAL SUPPORT
                                                      1. Government
                                                        1. Child Benefits to help families afford essential resources
                                                          1. Surestart for UK, Headstart for USA
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