Jason's Police Department


Jason Paynich
Mind Map by Jason Paynich, updated more than 1 year ago
Jason Paynich
Created by Jason Paynich almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Jason's Police Department
  1. 4ir: The "internet of things": Total connectivity of tech tools and gadgets, Id: phone to car
    1. Police buy access to data dan physical areas that would normally require a warrant
      1. Police now have opportunity to expand investigation absent reasonable suspicion due to open data
      2. 4ir: "Sensor nets" over geographic areas


        • https://youtu.be/l9Z1uTX7z58
        1. challenges concepts of free movement and government "reach"
          1. Where do they go, for how long, and how sensitive are they


            • https://youtu.be/l9Z1uTX7z58
              1. https://youtu.be/l9Z1uTX7z58
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