Communicative Language Learning


mapa mental sobre communicative language teaching
Mind Map by ferpofo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ferpofo over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Communicative Language Learning
  1. Principals goals
    1. how learners learn a language
      1. Goals of Language Teaching
        1. Comunicative Competence
          1. Grammatical Competence
            1. Ability to produce sentence
              1. Parts of Speech
                1. Tenses
                  1. Phrases
                    1. Clauses
                      1. Sentence Patterns
                        1. Knowing
                          1. How use language with different purpose and functions
                            1. How to vary our use of language according to participants
                              1. How to produce and understand different types of texts
                                1. How to maintain communication despite having limitations in one's language knowledge
                        2. Differents perspectives
                          1. Negotiation
                            1. Creating Meaningful
                              1. Interaction
                                1. Collaborative Creation
                                  1. Attention Input
                                    1. Feedback
                                      1. Activities
                                        1. Roles of Teacher
                                          1. MODEL
                                            1. FACILITATOR
                                              1. MONITOR
                                              2. Roles of learning
                                                1. PARTICIPATE
                                                  1. COOPERATIVE
                                                    1. INTERACTION
                                                    2. Memorization
                                                      1. Dialogs
                                                        1. Pair works activities
                                                          1. Role plays
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