Language, communication, assessment, and grading.


jaime torres
Mind Map by jaime torres, updated more than 1 year ago
jaime torres
Created by jaime torres over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Language, communication, assessment, and grading.
  1. Grading
    1. It entails giving a score or mark for promotion, however, it cannot perform the assessment roles.
      1. A culture that does not fulfill what Colombians need to be competent in.
      2. Focuses on measuring (summative) instruments
        1. Promoted by national and international institutions (World bank, UNICEF, pruebas Saber, PISA) .
          1. Encouraging students and education agents to focus on test-taking techniques, instead of measuring competences.
            1. References: Martinez, J.D. (2020). Assessment subculture vs. grading subculture: an educative conflict in Colombia.
      3. Assessment
        1. It allows the development of learning strategies:
          1. Through cognitive and metacognitive processes and production.
            1. Its objective is the improvement of any program at any educative level.
          2. Language and communication
            1. Competencies
              1. Communicative language competencies.
                1. Linguistic competence
                  1. Lexical competence
                    1. Grammatical competence
                      1. Semantic competence
                        1. Phonological competence
                          1. Orthographic competence
                            1. Orthoepic competence
                              1. Reference: Council of Europe (2001). Common European framework of reference for languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
                            2. Pragmactic competence.
                              1. Functional competence
                                1. Discourse competence
                                2. Sociolinguistic competence.
                                  1. Linguistics markers competence of social relations
                                    1. Expressions of folk wisdom
                                      1. Politeness conventions
                                        1. Register differences
                                          1. Dialect and accent
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