
csi topic
Mind Map by 05nteymourinasab, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by 05nteymourinasab almost 9 years ago
Copied by 05nteymourinasab almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Plants
    1. lifecycle of a flowering plant
      1. ways plants can be used for crime solving
        1. use pollen to provide evidence to find the suspect who walked through plant e.g mixture of pollen matches the mixture found on suspect's shoe
          1. counting the rings of tree roots growing through a buried skeleton helps you work out the minimum time the body was ther
          2. flowering plants reproducing sexually
            1. when pollen grain lands on stigma , pollination occurs. it th egrows a pollen tube down the style & into the ovule where it fertilises with the ovum
            2. main parts of a flower
            3. Insects
              1. Features of an instect lifecycle
                1. How is a certain behaviour useful to an organism
                  1. fly larvae move towards or away from phyisical enviromental factors( e.g light) . The way the larvae move help them find food. the thing they move to or away from is the stimulus
                    1. stimulus=a change in the environment of something
                      1. environmental factors=things in an enviroment that can change something about an organism
                    2. sorts of behaviours
                      1. Innate behaviour= an automatic, inbuilt behaviour e.g sleeping
                        1. Learned behaviour=A behaviour that has been changed due to the experince of the animal e.g reading
                          1. training dogs to respond to a stimulus by giving them treats e.g training dogs to look for explosives,drugs and dead bodies
                            1. learned behaviour can be useful sometimes as animals can learn it to communicate with other animals of the same species e.g birds learn partcicular songs from parents to attract mates
                            2. social behaviour= how an animal communicates with or reacts to other animals of the same speciese.g waggle dance
                          2. humans
                            1. neuron
                              1. neurons= specialised cells that carry signals called impulses.
                              2. nervous system
                                1. Human innate and learned behaviours
                                  1. innate
                                    1. sneezing
                                      1. crying
                                        1. drinking
                                        2. learned
                                          1. writing
                                            1. reading
                                              1. social behaviours
                                              2. Criteria
                                                1. valid- relevant to the ecase
                                                  1. accurate-the reslut of careful, balanced questioning
                                                    1. reliable- the answers given by different people are the same
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