Suffolk Young Ringers


Ambrin Williams
Mind Map by Ambrin Williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Ambrin Williams
Created by Ambrin Williams over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Suffolk Young Ringers
  1. RWNYC 2016
    1. Choose band minimum of 3 months before July.
      1. Have specific QPs and practices for the band
        1. But still have practices for the collective group. e.g: one practice and one qp per month
      2. Ensure that everyone gets a fair chance to prove themselves.
        1. Don't have just one selective practice, have 2-3
        2. Do Call Changes, not a method!
          1. Arrange QPs for the band, as well as practices.
            1. Don't let people from other counties take our places in workshops etc
            2. Communication
              1. Facebook
                1. Post practice dates, 2 weeks in advance, on the SYR group
                  1. Ensure that anyone on FB is part of the group.
                    1. Make sure that the group only contains people that are directly associated with SYR
                    2. Post dates on Suffolk Guild group to ensure that everybody knows
                    3. Email
                      1. Keep mailing list up to date
                        1. Update Excel Sheet
                        2. Keep to deadlines with emails
                          1. Email list of dates to people in advance
                          2. Update availibily sheet
                            1. Practice Advertisement
                              1. Facebook
                                1. Post practice dates, 2 weeks in advance, on the SYR group
                                  1. Post dates on Suffolk Guild group to ensure that everybody knows
                                  2. What's On
                                    1. Must know that month's practice date by the month before!
                                      1. Online What's On can be submitted whenever to Chris Garner
                                      2. Email
                                        1. Email people lists of dates but also send reminders monthly
                                        2. Website
                                          1. Update Young Ringers Events page
                                            1. Post review of practices on Young Ringers page
                                              1. Ambrin Williams
                                                1. George Salter
                                                  1. Neal Dodge
                                                    1. Ruth Suggett
                                                      1. Katharine Salter
                                                        1. Nicole Rolph
                                                          1. Ellie Earey
                                                    2. Practices
                                                      1. Day/Dates
                                                        1. Make it regular, e.g: 3rd Sunday every month
                                                          1. Not just on a Sunday as that rules out people that work then etc
                                                            1. Have a set time for every practice. E.g: 3.30-5.00
                                                            2. Towers
                                                              1. Rotate through the districts to share responsibility
                                                                1. Not just 8s but also 6s
                                                                  1. Varying conditions (no less than 6/7)
                                                                  2. Leadership
                                                                    1. Have more than one person in charge
                                                                      1. George Salter
                                                                        1. Neal Dodge
                                                                          1. Clare Veal
                                                                            1. Simon Veal
                                                                              1. Colin Salter
                                                                                1. Nicole Rolph
                                                                                  1. Ellie Earey
                                                                                    1. Ambrin Williams
                                                                                  2. PRACTICE INVASIONS!!
                                                                                  3. Progress
                                                                                    1. Track targets for individuals (written copy)
                                                                                      1. Write in notebook; name, target, timespan
                                                                                      2. If multiple people are aiming towards one thing, dedicate part of a practice to it
                                                                                        1. Aim for one YRs QP per month to consolidate methods for people?
                                                                                          1. Get "expertise" from oldies
                                                                                            1. Katharine Salter
                                                                                              1. Ruth Suggett
                                                                                                1. Ralph Earey
                                                                                                  1. Jonathan Stevens
                                                                                                    1. Michelle Williams
                                                                                                      1. Pam Ebsworth?
                                                                                                        1. Amanda Richmond (RWNYC)
                                                                                                          1. Brian Whiting
                                                                                                          2. Have every other practice as one where you ask people to look up a specific method and then ring it repeatedly
                                                                                                            1. Ensure that practices contain methods that people are looking to ring
                                                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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