4. Levels of classification


Life science (Topic 12: Biodiversity and Classification) Mind Map on 4. Levels of classification, created by mossrobyn on 15/10/2013.
Mind Map by mossrobyn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mossrobyn over 10 years ago

Resource summary

4. Levels of classification
  1. Developed in 18th century by Swedish biologist: Carolus Linnaeus
    1. Developed a hierarchy which is a system of organization in which things are divided into levels according to their importance
    2. Linnaeus proposed seven major taxa/ categories
      1. Phylum divided into classes2)
        1. 1) Kingdom divided into phyla
          1. 6)Genus divided into species
            1. 4) Order divided into families
              1. 3)Class divided into orders
                1. 5) Family divided into genera
                2. Nested Hierarchy
                  1. When each level of classification from species upwards gets broader and includes more and more groups of related organisms
                  2. Linnaeus naming system called Binomial system (two-name system)
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