
A concept map on the imagery of Blood, Light and Dark, and Supernatural in Shakespeare's play, Macbeth
Bismah Ali
Mind Map by Bismah Ali, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Jayd Bodner
Created by Jayd Bodner about 9 years ago
Bismah Ali
Copied by Bismah Ali about 9 years ago
Bismah Ali
Copied by Bismah Ali about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. DARK
    1. Hidden
      1. Murders
        1. Killings
        2. Schemes
          1. Mischief
            1. Witches
              1. Familaiars
                1. SUPERNATURAL
                  1. Ghosts
                    1. Appartitions
                      1. Banquo
                        1. Paranoia
                        2. Dagger
                      2. Murder
                    2. Death
                    3. SUPERNATURAL
                      1. BLOOD
                        1. Can't Be Cleaned
                          1. Guilt
                            1. Your Fault
                            2. Victory of Scotland
                              1. Life
                                1. Proves Who Died
                                  1. Lack of Life
                                2. LIGHT
                                    1. Truth Comes Out
                                        1. Duncan's Death
                                        2. No Hiding
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