Conflict in Memoirs


The essence of any story is conflict, and in memoirs many of the conflicts are internal. With regards to two memoirs you have read, discuss how the writers depict internal conflicts and to what effect.
Mind Map by variyatongtip, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by variyatongtip almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Conflict in Memoirs
  1. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
    1. Conflict #1: Is she doing a good job?
      1. Will her daughters turn out how she wanted them to?
        1. Evidence: When the girls were spending time with their grandmother, she wonders if she's doing a good job and if her daughters will take care of her when she is old?
      2. Is she doing the right thing?
        1. She often questions herself, asking if this is for herself...etc, or for the best of her children
          1. Always end up convincing herself that she is doing the right thing
            1. Evidence: I didn't mock her, I thought to myself indignantly. I was just protecting my daughters.
          2. Biggest Conflict in Eternal
            1. Her daughter Lulu, isn't behaving like a good tiger cub.
              1. She is more western, than Chinese, which is harder to control
                1. She is stubborn, just like her mother.
            2. Tuesdays with Morrie
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