revision mind map


Mind map for digital citizenship.
Daniel Valiente
Mind Map by Daniel Valiente, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniel Valiente
Created by Daniel Valiente over 3 years ago

Resource summary

revision mind map
  1. Nettiquete
    1. online rules
      1. be polite
        1. no bad language
        2. respect others
          1. Remenber the human
        3. digital footprint
          1. you have the right to say no
            1. you must get permission before sharing things
              1. be careful because everyone can see your digital footprint
              2. cyber bullying
                1. think before you comment
                  1. what would the effect be on them and you
                2. fake news
                  1. it is used for financial gain
                    1. can be obvious
                      1. can have a large effect
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