digital citizenship


unit 3 revision
Finn Lashbrooke
Mind Map by Finn Lashbrooke, updated more than 1 year ago
Finn Lashbrooke
Created by Finn Lashbrooke over 3 years ago

Resource summary

digital citizenship
  1. Netiquette
    1. rules for being online
      1. dont spread fake news
        1. Dont share personal info
          1. be considerate
            1. know your place
              1. dont meet up with people you met online
            2. digital footprint
              1. everything you do online
                1. every picture and message you send
              2. cyberbullying
                1. bullying online
                  1. text message
                    1. email
                      1. social media
                        1. SMART
                      2. FAKE NEWS
                        1. There are 2 types
                          1. exaggerated news
                            1. this could be two events that actually happened but they say they happened at the same time
                            2. completely fake news
                              1. This news is completely made up
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