6th Semester


This is about what I have to do this semester.
ahmadreza rostamzade
Mind Map by ahmadreza rostamzade, updated more than 1 year ago
ahmadreza rostamzade
Created by ahmadreza rostamzade over 3 years ago

Resource summary

6th Semester
  1. English
    1. IELETS Prep
    2. High Grade
      1. Review Notes
        1. Focused Exam
          1. Exercises
          2. The Project
            1. Articles
              1. Machine Learning
              2. Sports
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                5 Steps to Learning Success
                Andrea Leyden
                Interactive Multimodal Learning Environments
                Innovative Uses of Technology
                John Marttila
                Sociology: Education
                Siobhan Lee
                IELTS Placement
                Inclusive Education: Background and Theory
                Maisie Rose Woodward
                Bullying: Background
                Maisie Rose Woodward
                Bullying: Theories
                Maisie Rose Woodward
                Head over Heels
                Anna Makovetskaya
                5 Tips for motivating your students
                Jen Molte
                4 Lesson Planning Tips for Teachers
                Micheal Heffernan