The 3 Approaches to Arguments


Breaks down each form of arguments
Mind Map by angelpatterson33, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by angelpatterson33 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The 3 Approaches to Arguments
  1. Classical Argument
    1. Introduction-Gets attention of the reader
      1. State the case- explain the issue in detail
        1. Purpose- put forward the statement that you want to prove
          1. Refutation-State opponents argument and tell why it is not true
            1. Substantiation-need to use facts and details to develop a case for your thesis
              1. Conclusion-State all important points again that will prove the thesis
    2. Toulmin Argument
      1. Claim- Give a statement that you want other people to agree with
        1. Grounds-cold, hard facts that will persuade others
          1. Warrant- hooks the data collected as proof to the original statement
            1. Backing-Other questions are answered and support is given
              1. Qualifier-indicates the strength of leap from data to warrant
                1. Rebuttal-A counter argument is proposed by the opposition
        1. The Rogerian Argument
          1. Introduction-Quickly explains problem
            1. Non-Judgemental statement of opponents opposition-shows that writer clearly understands it
              1. Neutral Explanation of your Opinion-given in a non-judgemental way
                1. Analysis- How are the 2 opinions similar and what values do they share?
                  1. Proposal- How can you share your ideas that the opponent might accept
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