F454 Project Ideas


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Edi Fiettkau
Mind Map by Edi Fiettkau, updated more than 1 year ago
Edi Fiettkau
Created by Edi Fiettkau over 9 years ago

Resource summary

F454 Project Ideas
    1. Part A - Definition
      1. Identify Problems
        1. Identify various methods of solving the problem
          1. Record findings and determine the most advantageous solution
            1. Anticipate any issues and how you intend to solve them
        2. Find Client who has a real problem
          1. Have a meeting with the client to discuss their needs
        3. Part B - Design
          1. Specify the objectives of the proposed system
            1. Design a suitable interface for the problem
              1. Develop a strategy to test the system
                1. Design the data structures necessary to solve the problems or inefficiencies
                  1. Design a psuedocode based solution using top down design or another valid design method
                    1. Test that the algorythms meet the design objectives
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