(7) Digital democracy


A level People and Politics (Democracy and Participation) Mind Map on (7) Digital democracy, created by Marcus Danvers on 10/25/2013.
Marcus  Danvers
Mind Map by Marcus Danvers, updated more than 1 year ago
Marcus  Danvers
Created by Marcus Danvers about 11 years ago

Resource summary

(7) Digital democracy
  1. Easier participation
    1. Digital Democracy allows the electorate to express there view easily from the comfort of there home.
      1. This is likely to have a positive impact on turnout and political education.
        1. The fall in turnout may have been a consequence of the failure to keep up to date with the ‘information society’.
        2. Access to information
          1. 'New' technology massively enlarges citizens' access to information, making possible, for the first time, a truly free exchange of ideas and views.
            1. The internet already makes available to private citizens specialist information that was once only available to government
              1. E-democracy could create a genuinely two-way democratic process, in which citizens become active participants in politics rather than passive recipients
              2. Ease of organization
                1. Virtual referendums using electronic democracy would be cheaper and easier to organize, and so could be held much more frequently, this would increase Direct Democracy in the UK.
                  1. Traditional Referendums uses significant time, cost and resources
                  2. Electoral malpractice
                    1. Making voting easy and convenient by using the internet and telephone is open to scrutiny and the potential lack of security.
                      1. There have been allegations of malpractice and corruptions in using the postal vote.
                        1. By using a physical vote people identity can be effectively check and the process of voting can be ‘policed’.
                        2. Virtual democracy
                          1. E-democracy threatens to turn the democratic process into a series of push-button referendums.
                            1. This would further erode the 'public' dimension of political participation, reducing democratic citizenship to a series of consumer choices
                              1. This would demean politics, turning it into something resembling voting in Big Brother
                              2. Digital divide
                                1. There is not universal access to the new information and communication technology.
                                  1. There would be a political inequality, as the ‘information rich’ came to dominate the ‘information poor’.
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