Gastritis (McPhee & Hammer, 2012)


Mind Map on Gastritis (McPhee & Hammer, 2012), created by Yvonne Lockett A on 27/10/2013.
Yvonne Lockett A
Mind Map by Yvonne Lockett A, updated more than 1 year ago
Yvonne Lockett A
Created by Yvonne Lockett A almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Gastritis (McPhee & Hammer, 2012)
  1. Epidemiology
    1. Helicobacter pylori
      1. No sexual predilection exists (Medscape, 2013)
        1. Gastritis affects all age groups (Medscape, 2013)
          1. Use of NSAIDS, smoking, and alcohol increase the risk for Gastritis
    2. Pathophysiology
      1. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa
        1. Can affect both the fundus and antrum of the stomach
          1. Erosion of the surface epithelium seen in a localized pattern
            1. Usually caused by an injury to the protective barrier of the mucosa, caused by medication or chemicals
              1. NSAIDs are known to inhibit the action of cyclooxygenase-1, or COX-1, which causes gastritis
      2. Symptoms
        1. Anorexia
          1. Fullness
            1. Nausea and vomiting
              1. Epigastric pain
                1. Bleeding
        2. Diagnosis
          1. Gastroscopic examination and biopsy
            1. Occult blood test
              1. Evaluation of gastric secretions for intrinsic factor
            2. Health history
            3. Treatments
              1. Stop the use of NSAIDs, alcohol, and smoking
                1. If positive for H. pylori, treat with antibiotics
                  1. Eat smaller meals
                    1. Consume a soft, bland diet
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