How to promote my English language skills?


Mind Map on How to promote my English language skills?, created by kijalo on 03/08/2015.
Mind Map by kijalo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kijalo over 8 years ago

Resource summary

How to promote my English language skills?
  1. Speaking skills PO
    1. creating my phone message
      1. Posting my online CV
        1. presenting a lesson from my digital class
          1. Highlighting the avantages of speaking and understanding English for STMG student
          2. Speaking skills POI
            1. Recruiting the best employee for my company via skype or...
              1. Recruitement interview for my next year specialized subject
              2. Listening comprehension CO
                1. evaluating my peers to make them improve
                  1. selecting a video from my 'social progress' file to give a report
                  2. Writing skills PE
                    1. writing an email to apply for a job at Simuland
                    2. deadlines
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