Measuring Levels


Mapa conceptual sobre los niveles de medicion, de estadistica..
Alejandra Marentes
Mind Map by Alejandra Marentes, updated more than 1 year ago
Alejandra Marentes
Created by Alejandra Marentes about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Measuring Levels
  1. Data can be classified by different measuring levels which determine how will the data be summarized and presented. These levels stablish statistic testscan be made. There are four measuring levels: nominal, ordinal, interval, and measurement of reason
    1. Ordinal Level Data
      1. For this measurement level, a qualitative variable or atribute is classified or graded on a relative scale.The data recorded in the ordinal level of measurement is based on a classification or a relative rating of based items in a defined attribute or quantitative variable, variables that are based on this level of measurement only are classified or are counted.
      2. Ratio level data
        1. All the quantitative data are recorded in the level of reason of measurement. the level of reason is the "highest", possesses all the characteristics of interval-level, but, in addition, zero point has sense and the ratio between two numbers is significant. The data recorded in the level of ratio of the measurement are based on a scale that has a known unit of measure and a meaningful interpretation of zero.
        2. Nominal level data
          1. In this case of nominal levels of measurement, the observations of a qualitative variable can be measured and registered as labels or names which can only be classified and calculated. They don’t have any order.
          2. Interval level data
            1. The measurement interval level is the is the superior immediate level includes all the features of the ordinal level; In addition, the difference or interval between values is significant. Interval or distance between the values of the data registered in the measuring interval level is significant. the level of measurement interval is based on a scale with a unit known as measurement.
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