LINKING WORDS of Addition, Contrast & Giving Examples


Linking words of Addition, Contrast & Giving Examples
Mind Map by GISELLA SUÁREZ, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Andrés Francisco Ramírez Naharro
Created by Andrés Francisco Ramírez Naharro over 8 years ago
Copied by GISELLA SUÁREZ about 3 years ago

Resource summary

LINKING WORDS of Addition, Contrast & Giving Examples
  1. Giving examples
    1. For example, ...
      1. For instance, ...
        1. ..., such as...
          1. ..., to illustrate...
            1. ..., as an illustration...
              1. ..., to demonstrate...
                1. ..., like...
                  1. ..., specially...
                    1. ..., in particular...
                    2. Adding information
                      1. positive addition
                        1. ...and...
                          1. Both X and Y plural verb
                            1. both of X
                              1. X =
                                1. the...
                                  1. these...
                                    1. those...
                                      1. my..., etc
                                    2. Either...or...
                                      1. Either+sing. noun+or+plural noun+plural verb
                                        1. Either John or his friends are going to the beach today
                                        2. Either+sing. noun+or+sing. noun+sing. verb
                                          1. Either John or Bill is going to the beach today.
                                        3. Neither of... (the..., these.., etc) sing. verb
                                          1. Neither of the books is exactly what I want
                                          2. ...also...
                                            1. We also speak about marketing
                                              1. I can also play the piano
                                                1. = to start a sentence
                                                  1. In addition,...
                                                    1. In addition to this...
                                                2. negative addition
                                                  1. Not only...but also
                                                3. Contrasting ideas
                                                  1. While (a pesar de, pese a)
                                                    1. While my sister has blue eyes, mine are brown
                                                    2. Whereas (mientras que)
                                                      1. Taxes have gone up, whereas social security contributions have gone down
                                                      2. unlike (a diferencia de)
                                                      3. Linking words (connecting words) are something we need to know in any style of writing, because it helps the reader to follow the flow of what you are saying. Whether it’s an argument in an essay, or an epic scene in a fantasy novel, your reader needs to be able to follow what you are saying.
                                                        1. Linking words are used to show relationships between ideas. They can be used to join 2 or more sentences or clauses (a clause is a group of words which contains a subject and a verb). Linking words can be used to add ideas together, contrast them, or show the reason for something.
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